Write a poem that centers around a woman.

The woman can be anyone you choose, ficitional or real. Is it a family member? A role model? Your favourite character? Or one of your own characters?

To The Grave

Eyes a cold stoned blue

You raised me from little to now who I am

My gratefulness for you is very true

When youโ€™d try to wake me up, I didnโ€™t give a damn.

Pushed me to my limits everyday

When I was young, I screamed and shouted

I wanted nothing more than for you to never stay

Every time I hear about my past doings, itโ€™s something Ive doubted

Since birth, my mother youโ€™ll be

Even in the grave, youโ€™re still my mom

When you pass, Iโ€™ll promise to spread your ashes across the sea

Some days Iโ€™ll cry, others Iโ€™ve promised you, Iโ€™d stay calm.

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