You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.
Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.
Déjà vu
The clock strikes 7:00 a.m, when Sonia wakes up drenched in sweat looking around her room with a frightening look in her face. Everything seems fine nothing out of the ordinary. She gets up and gets dressed, ready for work. At the coffee shop Sonia takes her client’s orders. When she spots something unusual outside the window. The same man from 2 weeks ago sitting in the same table outside, wearing the same long black coat and a hat that covers his face, with two cups of coffee, one for him and one for someone he’s waiting for and no one ever shows up. It’s almost the end of Sonia’s shift when she noticed the man is still there. As Sonia is walking out of the coffee shop she goes into a store to buy some groceries.As she crosses the street, she looks back at the table where the man was sitting, but he is no longer there. She gets an uncanny sensation about that happening before .When she walks out the store she bumps into a man with an orange sweater and a happy look on his face. As they both start picking up Sonia’s groceries from the floor the man said “oh, I’m so sorry“. “No worries” said Sonia as she felt this already happened before. Then the man offered Sonia to walk her to the bus stop. “ No thanks, I’m good thank you” replied Sonia. She picked up her bags and starts walking, but started to feel dizzy and faints.
When Sonia wakes up she is in a room with dim lights tied to a chair. The doorhandle twist open , the man that she bumped into earlier came in with two plates of food. .” Finally you’re woken up Julie” said the man with the a happy voice, “ Who are you and why do you call me Julie“? asked Sonia confused with a trembling voice. The man smiled and said “It’s me Luke your husband”. “What, I don’t have a husband, I need find a way out“ said Sonia in her head. So she decided to role play Julie. “The food looks really good, did you make it “ asked Sonia with an uplifting smile. Luke looked at Sonia and smiled, but didn’t reply. “Should we go and get a coffee” she asked sarcastically . “No Julie we can’t leave I have to complete my plan” Luke said in a low voice. “ What plan, do you care to share“ she asked. But Luke didn’t answer her question. Then Sonia asked if she could wash her hands. Luke complied and untied Sonia “sure Julie, just don’t take long” he said. Sonia walked quickly to the door that led to the living room, she noticed he had her in the basement. She tried opening all the doors, but they were all locked and the windows wear sealed expect for a small window in the bathroom. She notice a frame with a picture that showed Luke and Julie wearing hiking gear on a mountain.
Sonia was amazing by how similar she looked like Julie. Sonia drops the frame and the glass on the frame breaks, making Luke head out to Sonia. Sonia has a felling that she has to escapé threw the window in the bathroom. Luke goes running after her. She climbs on the toilet and she nearly fits through the window and finds her self outside on a latter that leads to the roof top only. When she gets to the top there is no ladder or stars to take except for one ladder. Luke caches up to Sonia, and blocks her exit “ why are leaving me again Julie”? He screams in frustration. “ You feel off the cliff 3 years ago and now that I found you, you can’t leave me again, because this time we have to leave together” Luke said with an agitated voice, while we took of his sweater reviling a bomb attached to him. Luke’s plan was to explode together with Sonia. Because he couldn’t bare that his wife Julie had passed away and left him alone. To make his dream come true Luke spied on Sonia for 2 weeks and take her so then they could both die. Sonia stopped pretending to be Julie. “ You have to let me go Luke I am not Julie”!!. “ Stop, you are Julie “ replied Luke with a trembling voice. “I’m am very sorry for what happened to your wife, I don’t know what you been through, but I can help you,” Sonia said with an assuring voice. “How will you help me, you can’t bring Julie back“!! Luke replied screaming and crying. “I know how it feels to lose someone you love, but you can’t do it alone, do you think this is what Julie would like you to do”? .“ Please let me go“ said Sonia in a low and desperate voice. Luke let’s Sonia go and steps away from the only larder that leads down to the street.
Half way down the ladder Sonia hears a loud explosion that knocks Sonia off the ladder. Sonia wakes up frantically on a hospital bed covered in sweat with a nurse on her side checking her vitals. The next days Sonia sees on the news that Luke was arrested for damaging the building with a bomb and kidnapping. Sonia recovers quites her job and moves on to a different state with her pets where is she opens her own coffee shop.