Wild experience

A cold morning to start with; bags were packed, goodbyes were said and hugs brought out smiles on people’s faces. This was a journey we had never embarked on. Everybody was willing to have this great experience- to walk on this long bridge that connected trees in the forest, what was known as ‘ the canopy walk’. This was one place that could force the the lion out of one to humble itself. We set off at dawn so that we could get there on time because we had other places to visit too. Within four hours, we were at our destination. It was a great time to socialize because many people had come from world’s ends to have this experience. After some minutes, we were attended to by the tour guide, who gave us a thorough detail about this site. We all nodded in excitement as we set to begin our journey. We had to walk through the forest for a few miles before getting to the canopy walk. In fact, what we had heard and seen on tv was nothing compared to what we saw in reality. This was a canopy walk that was more than 200 feet about level ground, which means you could see the uppermost part of the tallest tree. You could hear screams echo the whole forest as shivers run down the spines of many. This was not for the feint-hearted. Those who did not have the courage to embark on the journey had to withdraw because it was a 20 mile journey. We who were ready to face the worst got the courage to lead the rest of the pack. We set off some minutes later amidst screams from the lot. As I looked down, I felt as if I had jumped off a plane without any parachute to give me a safe landing. I could feel my blood rush through my veins with the speed of light. It was really scary. After walking for some distance, everybody stopped and turned back to see what was going on behind us. I was wondering if the worst had happened- someone falling. But that was nearly impossible. Instead, it was a lady who was screaming at the top of her voice as if she had some ghouls trying to drain her soul. She was scared as hell. Those around her tried to calm her down but it was just a useless effort. She wanted to go back to save herself from this torture but we had gone too far to do that. We later got to know she was acrophobic. Funny scenes just made our day. She had to crawl to continue her journey, with people taking out their phones to record it. Her prayers at that moment was just enough to bring heaven on earth. Funny, she was the same person who was bragging like she was gonna cover the distance in some seconds. Ah well, this was the start of a new day.

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