Write about an ordinary every-day object that your character finds sentimental.
This activity can explore your character’s motives and underlying beliefs.
an ode to that cherry blossom
it’s been a long day
six hours of rehearsals
you’re only fourteen now
the whole world’s at your disposal
sit on the floor
feel the wood on your back
hear the ringing of the bells
find your costume on the rack
hand in hand with your friends
you walk in the cold
a flash of white catches your attention
and a tear softly rolled
the first blossoms you’d seen
on that old, dying tree
a metaphor perhaps
of when one became three
the flowers on the branches
mirrored the flowers in your heart
and the smile spread across your face
that kept you from falling apart
so this is an ode to that tree
with its young, tentative life
the hands on each of your shoulders
rang clear the end of strife