Into the woods...

I decide to revert away from the main road; I'll attract less attention to myself that way. My feet thud against the dry, barren soil in sync with my racing heartbeats. I need to know if they are still behind me, but can't spare a second to check. My heart will explode, my lungs can't take it anymore, but I can't stop. I need to keep going.

Somehow, along the way, the soil becomes moist and covered in dead leaves. The path is longer smooth - there are thick roots, and I almost tripped on one. There are also trees, lots of them. Which, I think is good. It is easier to lose them here. I can almost feel safe, if not for the screaming crows and hooting owls. But birds can't be as bad as jail, right? So, I decide to push on.

A twig snaps behind me. Damn it! They are still chasing after me. I push on. My only source of energy, at this point, is pure adrenaline.

At a distance, I spot a huge fence, with an entire flock of crows screaming around it. Crows are a bad omen in every single movie out there, but what else should I do? I try to open the fence, but it seems to be locked.

"Hands in the air!" One of them demands victoriously.

I turn back to him, wide-eyed. It's now or never. With one huge leap of faith, I climb up, one step after the other and jump to the other side. They don't dare follow me up, which is good... Until I realize why.

The place I landed in, the only way to describe it is some ghost's backyard.

The flowers - roses - are all covered in thorns as sharp as knives. The trees have thick trunks, and somehow look as if they are frowning. What I think used to be a fountain in the middle, is now just a stone statue glistening in the moonlight. And the owls and crows are certainly not helping with that eerie feeling that's growing in the pit of my stomach.

They exchange glances among themselves, offering each other to go first with their eyes, but no one seems brave enough to. They growl in frustration and pull out their pistols.

My eyes pop out of their sockets and my legs start to run as fast as they can away from them.

Deeper into that creepy place.

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