Open the nearest book to you and look at the very first word to catch your eye. Write a 10-line story centred around this word.
Try to think outside the box and write something creative surrounding this word.
The yellow ceramic jar stood on the counter, glaze shining in the fluorescent light of the kitchen. Susie looked from the jar to the nearest chair and back again. It would be easy enough to push the chair over, climb up, and reach the lid of the jar. If she did that, she could have a chocolate chip cookie. However, her mother had been very clear: no cookies until after dinner. If she were caught in the act, or even afterwards with her hands covered in crumbs, she would be in trouble. On the other hand, chocolate chip cookies were delicious, she did not currently have a cookie, and waiting was difficult. She could have one right now and solve the dilemma. Susie walked over to the chair, where she hesitated. Was she simply solving one problem by creating another?