No, no, no, no,nononno...

The door slammed. The table shook with fear, and the chairs knocked themselves over. Her house had never been so scared of her, for her. Ramming her hand against the marble shoe holder, over and over. What was there, blood and tears. What wasn't, his bear slippers, her clarity.

Getting up and staggering to the balcony, she slid the door open collapsing onto the cold cement. Scrapes adorned her once pristine arms and legs, shadows under her once bright gaze. Being there only reminded her what she had lost. And if nothing was done, how much more she could lose.

Screams, yells, shrieks, nothing, nothing, could stop it all. The encroaching madness that descended upon her empty body, still warm and infected with emotion. The sky itself had turned its gaze away from her, clouds of deep despair covering the day. The weather was supposed to be sunny. But not all goes as planned, does it?

As the day turned into night, and night into day, time seemed lost to the girl. Whipped with exhaustion, voice stripped bare, she headed to the kitchen to fill her stomach.

She was alone. No noises, not the tumble of the washing machine, or the whirring of her old fan. Lights off, and yet she knew where to go. Opening the fridge, she recounted what she used to eat. Food that once brought her joy and pleasure was now useless to flutter her heart. Useless, it was all only pure decoration. She regrets ever feeling hungry, ever feeling something at all.

Dull, are the broken bruises on her hands. Red, stains her path. The future is unclear and foggy.

Lost, is the sheep who loses the instinct to preserve herself. Forsaken is the girl who once stood tall with the ones who loved her.

Glass shattering, voices echoing, a feeble heart and weak mind, a light lost. Forever may she rest.

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