Think about a book or film which you do not like. Now imagine the opposite opinion, and write about it from the perspective of someone who loves it.

Trying to deliberately switch your perspective is great practice for writing characters and stories which aren't about people like you.

Spider-Man Film

What’s your favourite movie? For me it has got to be Spider-Man. There is nothing better than an undercover superhero who has to save the world while hiding his identity.

The films feature so much action and drama. All of the characters are made really well and the special effects are awesome. There are many villains who Spider-Man has to defeat which makes all of the films really interesting.

There are also moments in the films that make a tear fall and are really useful for building up empathy. If you were to see my home, then you would see how much I really am a fan of Spider-Man.

P.s: I do actually like the Spider-Man films.

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