Write a love poem to yourself.
The Controversy Of My Life
I'm a lie
I am my picture,
I don't really fit the way
I’m today, but if you let me
I would want to share my day
I'm painting with the brightest colors
Better versing of myself
Not from hate, or mind's reflecting
I just want to look the same
Chestnut hair – it still amazes
People, they say it should be short-cut,
Ginger strands that left from painting
Never washed away – that's price
Amber eyes, or maybe brown
Sparkling when i see sunshine
I would rather stay in shadow
Count the reasons and the "why"
I have flowers tucked in long braids
They will wilt away, won't stay,
And i would go out play in rainstorm
Even if it's freezing day
Changing state
Of my mind, and leading it far away
To place where it felt the unseen break
I belief there should not be a barrier in everyday play
Don't care for the color, attractions or clothes you display
In this world, we're all humans, so can we be understanding?
Please, just a little bit nicer and least expecting
I'm trying to learn something new or read the scripts
And at the the verge of my evening
Repeating the signs to know the silent speech
I don't know if i am perfect
In my own opinion, sure
Curls or freckles would be, I think, a little better
But, i guess, it's better to just live through
Once before i gave up reasons
Twice in fact, i rather not
Speak about all my problems
And just tell that I forgot
I am different. Yes, i know that
I'm quite sure despite defense
World should not be so confusing
It is only in my head
Strange hand gestures, senseless panic
When i hear a loud noise
Or shut down when i am feeling
Way too huge emotion coils
I can't talk, become non-verbal
If you pressure me to speak,
If point out strange thing i'm doing
I won't lie that i can freak
I'm not sure in my attractions,
Or if i even have them, still
I don't know if i need someone
Who will be with me all week
Not to change the status "single"
But still have someone to trust
Live together – just on weekends
Never ask or bring it up
See someone who's making breakfast
And instead of morning kiss
They would play on known song list
Ask to dance, or maybe sing
I don't want hold hands or hold you,
I would rather sit and talk
Maybe lean on someone's shoulder
Or persuade me for a walk
Laugh about my dreams or nightmares
"Do i talk when i'm asleep?"
With a smile, and cup of coffee
Say "You do, but it's quite sweet"
I won't see them every morning,
But they have spare pair of keys
Watching movies till the evening
Staying home at Christmas Eve
Don't make plans for foreseen future
Live in moment, save the speech
Of how much is changing, really
Change the rhythm at your reach
I'm not the way i thought i rather was
I don't feel very welcomed; very crafty
It's not about it's form or "normal" chords
I'm trapped in living, breathing human body
With doctors always saying "nothing's wrong"
But i just couldn't practice my self-healing
My lungs have trouble breathing sinful air
And my heart’s beating sending waved of strain
Wondering 'till what day it will remain
There is not God or Devil waiting for me
I am a being of the stars and universe
I wouldn't pressure someone to believe me
As i don't have my trust in this strange verse
And after leaving, i won't be a ghost
I feel so firmly memories that couldn't happen
When I am screaming, but cannot find earth
When air no longer entered in my lungs
I know it's true
I don't believe, but cannot stop this feeling
I only know how it will end for me, not when
And when it will, i won't be caught off guard
I'm not afraid to leave
I know how it will end, i know the path
And i am ready, for either way of meaning
And I still have foreignly troubled breathing
[ It's not exactly a love poem about myself, as you may notice. More so when I read the prompt… I just started writing everything. Everything, really. It just felt like a need to let it all out of myself. There is no "love", because my feelings for myself are far more complex than that; i'm just existing in this body, really. And trying to live my life the best way i can while i can.
Something here just doesn't rhyme or makes no sense at all. But that's kind of the point. It's just how i feel ]