Write a poem set in a forest.
My feet can’t feel them as I walk
My lungs don’t sense them whilst I talk
I can’t see them drinking from the river
and the nutrients that it delivers
My mind cannot know how they came to be
Standing here, towering in front of me
They give me life, food , shade, and shelter
I take their lives, I cause them to swelter
If I did not know better, I’d say they were blind
To all the acts of destruction by my kind
But that is too easy, it is not blindness or forgiveness they show
No, they just wait for me to reap what I sow
For they have outlived you and even I
Yes, they know a thing about staying in time
Perhaps they just wait, and wait , and wait
For the day that is coming, where I meet my fate
Patience is a need, not a virtue for these trees
They need the patience, the patience to outlive me
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