The Lonely Tears That Water My Tree

The tears on her face, the fear in her eyes

She will say she is fine, but that is lie

Out in the orchard, for weeks now it seems

I’ve seen her weep alone, even in my dreams

Never have I seen someone as depressed as she

The lonely tears that water my tree

The townspeople say she is mad, lonely and broken

Though I wonder if it is mere lies they have spoken

You can hear her whisper her wishes aloud for the world to hear

Hoping for someone to grant them and wash away her fear

Her sadness is as deep and mysterious as the endless sea

The lonely tears that water my tree

Ever since I saw her, nothing seemed to be the same

Everything seemed sadder, colorless, a feeling hard to name

Have I, in all my life, never noticed the hardships others have had to withstand?

I can no longer live a happy life when I know others have been dealt a worse hand

I sit beside her, who then turns to look at me

The lonely tears to water my tree

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