Submitted by Dragonfly

Locking eyes with the person sitting opposite you, you see into the future. But it's not what you expected.

Write a story carrying on from where the prompt left off


In her eyes I’ve always seen the depths of the universe. From the moment I met her, her eyes held me, but now looking into her eyes, her eyes were letting me go.

Did I go too far?

My affair was meant to keep us together. An unfortunate side-effect of being in the spotlight and being with her. Sacrifices must be taken to get salvation. I used to see my salvation in her eyes. The blue eyes I could fall in to.

Now I realize that I fell so far that she couldn’t follow, and so instead I drowned while she floated away. And with that I couldn’t even see her eyes anymore.

Little did I know that the next time I would see those eyes, it would all change again.

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