No Respecter of People

My eyes barred into your back

as you stood there all alone.

Mist swirling around you—

Out of your fingers and your toes.

"It’s time little one;

it’s time to pay your woes,

for stealing all those cookies

and turning friends to foes.”

"Leave me be to be naughty;

leave me be to be bad.

Who cares about others?

Who cares if they get mad?”

"Silly girl, most naive.

You’ve been piling terrible deeds.

And everyone must be judged

no matter how old or young.”

"Come catch me if you can,

I’ll outrun you in a flash.

Little girls can do as they please

and I’ll keep being naughty and mean.”

The mysterious old lady

let the girl head out running.

Out the woods and to her home,

To her bedroom where she snored.

But once the clock struck one,

this old lady showed up.

And with the wave of her scythe,

her little soul was gone.

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