An Eternal Promise

“There was never a prophecy,it was all a lie.” The voice of the god who ruled all life was filled with anger and sorrow. He was sad that everything had gone wrong at such a young age. But no matter his grief, it would be impossible to let his true emotions show because he is always watching over everything. He has seen what could happen in a mere blink of an eye.

He turned, looking at the small figure lying in a pool of her own blood, and she smiled as if knowing exactly what was about to come next. She knew this was how she was going to die.

He smiled thinking of how he will punish the person who had hurt her, but it wasn't until much later he realised something was very off, it had felt as if something else was in here,but it didn' t matter.

It didn't take long after that for the goddess to fall asleep again and it wasn't too long after her body stopped moving, the only noise being those soft puffs that escaped her lips. The god sighed. How he hated keeping his emotions under control when it was so tempting to allow himself to be angry like he wanted to. He would have liked to stay a little longer to watch over her one last time, but there was someone else he needed to see first. Someone he hadn’t spoken to in a long time. Someone who knew what happened when he left,and why.

He slowly closed his eyes and focused on reaching out. The god concentrated hard on trying not to break the contact between them, but as he did the last remnants of his hold broke allowing the connection to drop. The gods eye snapped open as a shock ran through his whole being. His vision blurred from the tears that threatened to fall down.

His hands shook as he placed a hand on her chest. He closed his eyes once more letting the warmth flow into her. He had been right,she wasn't dead. The feeling he got in return was just as strong as his and he couldn't help but feel hopeful. He slowly removed his arm as if it were burned, but instead of stepping away like he usually does,he leaned forward pressing his forehead against hers. They stayed like this for what seemed like eternity but he soon became tired and moved away from the girl he loved. He wiped away any remaining tears that remained before turning away to leave.

“Thank you,for bringing me back here,” she whispered softly, but he heard every single word. “For loving me.”

A sob tore free from his throat as she said these words, but she couldn't hear it,all she heard was her final goodbye. All she saw was his face as he stepped away, and all she felt was a wave of emptiness and grief crash upon her. She closed her eyes tightly hoping desperately that everything would be alright. She didn't want to say goodbye,but she knew there was nothing else she could do.

With each step the god took away she felt herself getting weaker,but she ignored the pain,because she had a promise to keep.

A promise to someone who meant the most to her and she wasn't going to break it.

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