Spoiled Fantasy

The speech went better than I could have hoped with Susan in the audience. As with most speeches, my confidence grew as I spoke, but tonight, having her there, something more was lit inside me. I wanted to prove to her I was good, no, better than good. I wanted to show how great I was, and my energy matched that goal.

After a standing ovation and several nervous questions from the audience, I walked backstage where I was greeted with the event organizer.

“Amazing job” he said. “Really profound stuff Matt, I was moved just listening to it.” He pushed his glassed up off the bridge of his nose and then stuck his hand out to shake mine.

“My pleasure” I said, shaking his hand. “The crowd was pretty electric tonight” and I let my mind drift to Susan for a moment.

“Well I better get going, I’d like to swing by the grocery store on my way home before it closes.” I left through the back exit which spilled into a narrow, meagerly lit pedestrian alley that was connected to the main parking lot. As I walked towards the lot, I felt a buzz in my pocket.

My mind immediately went to Susan and I fantasized the text was from her praising me for an amazing speech and begging me to take her back.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the text. My heart dropped twice. The first was when I realized it wasn’t from Susan. The second was when I read the text. It was from an unknown number and said “do not go home tonight.”

Was that a threat?

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