Write a story about someone who works as a janitor for a company that hires superheroes.

Think about what kinds of messes might they be asked to clean up, or what they overhear as they do their job.

Respect The Janitors

I pursed my lips. Whistling a tune that was taught to me as a child, long forgotten by the newer generation. I paid attention to the little song as the explosions, yelling, and teenage drama fell behind me.

Sweeping the floor, I enter an empty hall. Blue tiles with even bluer walls being cleaned by the best janitor in this school. Me. Me, me, me. Approaching the janitors closet I place my broom on the wall. I wipe my forehead a smile blooming on my face, my chest heaving. I open the door, to reveal not just the cleaning supplies, but another goddamn reckless teenager.

I lean on the doorframe. Narrowing my eyes at the girl, unsure if she was a villain or one of those delinquents.

“The hell ya doing kid?”

It took a wheeze. Then a cough. Then an award look around the closet for her to come up with the awkwardest reply in history, “Wonderful water in the pipes today am I right?”

I huff. That’s a new response, I gotta write that down once I get the girly out. But for now I have to get her out. I got better things to do.

“Look kid get outta here. I deal with enough of you wannabe villains, I don’t need another one of your sore asses. Just take whatever you brought and leave.” I say, flinging my hand at the box she placed on the shelf.

She pouts, crossing her arms in defiance. “Look hag. I’ll leave but I’m leaving this,” she smacks the box, “right here. And it’s not moving anywhere.”

I cross my arms too. Cocking a brow in silent question.

“it’s a glitter bomb.” She answers, with a grim face.

“Bullcrap.” I say right back with the same dead face.

“I’m being for real! Have you ever SEEN a glitter bomb?!”

“I’m not talking about if it’s real or not I’m talking about you putting a glitter bomb into a hero school!”

“It’s a logical ruse.”

“I’m going to have to say bullcrap again.”

“Can you just please let it stay?!”

I facepalm. A glitter bomb. A goddamn glitter bomb. “You know what? Whatever. I give up. I’m going to lose my sanity to this school. What else ya want me to do, pull the alarm?”

She pauses. “That’d actually be nice.”

No. No way. That girl did not just say that with a straight face. I’m already letting her keep her stupid glitter bomb here and now she wants me to pull the alarm for her? Well I mean I did offer, but she can’t be that stupid not to understand sarcasm. Yet the longer I stare at her the more it sinks in that she’s being for real.

I jut a thumb behind me, “Just leave.”

She nods and with quick strides she jogs past me, “Got it.”

I Inhale and exhale long and hard. I grab my walkie talkie, pressing the button I wait for the static to come on.

“This is janitor Bob. There’s a suspicious gadget in the janitors closet in corridor C. I repeat there’s a suspicious gadget in corridor C.”

I block out the frantic response from the radio and toss my broom in the closet. I hate kids. I fucken hate them.

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