Describe a character's physical appearance through the eyes of someone who feels intense jealousy for them.
How accurate would the description be when tainted by strong emotion?
What Is It About You?
I thought you would be taller. I’ve never quite understood why a height difference would be so appealing, but I suppose since I’m not short, like you, I wouldn’t really come across it. The way he described you, I’d have imagined your eyes to be “kind,” or something like that. I’m not even sure what that means. If it’s resembling the way some cartoon animals’ eyes are drawn beady and shiny, then, yes, I suppose you have kind eyes. Your hair could be quite beautiful. It’s always amazed me that there are women well into their forties with naturally straight and blonde hair. If there are grays, I couldn’t tell in that hasty ponytail you always wear. I could imagine that haircare must be quite extensive due to your frigid environment. I probably wouldn’t bother either. It is quite lucky for you that it’s so cold there. Here, we don’t have the luxury of layers. But I do understand why he loves you so much. Don’t get me wrong, if I had someone like you, I would feel bound to such safety. It’s amazing how supportive you’ve been of his career, and I’ve heard your a good cook, you even moved away from your family for him! You’re quite the woman. He’s so lucky to have you. I hope you two are very happy together.