Write a story that centres around playing a game.

The Game of Fortnite

My hands were clutching my controller tightly as I proceeded through the game thinking about the chances of me winning which I knew myself were very slim. On my screen as I traversed across the area looking for anyone to kill so it would make my chances higher in winning this game. If I could just possibly win a grand prize that would change me completely and would help my parents and I a ton. This match means a lot to me. I keep pushing through the baren land to find anyone but there were basically no players anywhere. Maybe it could just be the fact that I am in the middle of nowhere.

The storm keeps on closing in getting ever so closely every second. I kept on running for my life hoping I could find someone or atleast a place where I can camp and kill players while they are not looking. If any of these can happen it means that I can basically get very close to winning. As I slowly traverse through the lush, green forest I spot a player running around so I quickly chase after him with my shotgun and when he wasn’t paying attention, I jump over him spam him to death. But my hands were still shaking, it was top 10 already.

The zone had shrunk massively so any player can be anywhere. I looked around for a tall structure where I can stay and shoot people from above until I accidentely backed up into one. I slowly climb up and as I did I saw on my screen that many players were getting killed rapidly like flies until there were two other players left. My heart beat was rising as if I had done an intense workout. I started flinching and over reacting when I hear sounds of just the surroundings in the game. My plan now was to wait till the other two players start to fight and when they both are low I can just pop out and third party them.

But soon enough the two other players started fighting so of coarse I pulled out my sniper and was ready to kill them until they both stop and notice me so for some reason they both unknowingly go straight for me! I was absolutely scared out of skin. Without straight thinking I hid behind an object and as I waited I could hear the footsteps of both the players. As the first player came up, he had no clue where I am. So, I pulled a quick snipe at his head and he was dead. This also made perfect timing, because as I killed the player the other one comes in thinking that I am dead. As he was picking up the loot, I jump out from behind the barrels and laid a shot with my shotgun straight at him which suprisingly killed him.

I was kind of suprised at that because I thought he would have been fully healed and prepared but apparentely he didn’t heal up after facing the other player before. But still I won, and now I can successfully enjoy and share the money with my family. My parents, friends and I partied until there was no energy left we all shared our joys and we all moved on inspired do to something like this again.

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