“We have to give it back.”
Write a story beginning with this sentence.
The Box
“We have to give it back.” Lucy told her brother. “We do not know what this thing is, and we might get into trouble if we don’t return it.”
Her younger brother, Luke, didn’t pay attention to what his sister said. He was so focused on that thing that they accidentally stole from their neighbor earlier that day.
“Hey! Are you listening to me?” She nudged her brother a little harder than usual.
“Relax sis. We’ll return it, but not until I find out what’s inside this thing.” Luke replied.
That thing that they were talking about is a little fancy box that is just the size of an average person’s palm. It had weird markings on the side that looked like a ritual in another language.
“I’m telling you, this is no ordinary box. Who knows, this may be witchcraft!”
She already had a very bad feeling the moment that she saw the box, and her anxiousness grows as time passes.
“I’m aware, sis. Still, I’m curious.” He said as he was looking for a way to open the box without breaking it.
“I can’t take it anymore!! Give it to me! I’m taking it back.” She shouted angrily as she grabbed the box from her brother’s hand. Unfortunately, it slipped from her hand and it broke. Inside the box revealed a little clump of black hair, and to her horror, it was accompanied by a few stolen pictures of her. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “This is sick. What the hell is this?” She thought to herself. Her mouth went dry and she couldn’t think of what to say.
Earlier that morning, they wanted to see their friend, Martha, so they went to her house. She lives with her father. Her mother died 3 years before they moved in next door. They knocked on the door while calling her name, but she didn’t answer. They were going to wait outside, but Luke realized that the door wasn’t locked. “What’s the harm? We’re her friends anyway!” He said naively. They went inside but no one was there. The house had a very gloomy and creepy vibe. This is the first time that they’d been inside this house.
“Martha?” They called. Still no one was answering.
Luke’s attention was caught by the weird box that was placed on the coffee table.
“Hey, don’t touch that. That’s not ours.” Lucy said.
“Hey I’m just looking at it.”
Suddenly, there was a loud bang that came from the basement, followed by the sound of metal that was being dragged on the floor. They got scared and ran back to their house, which leads us back to the present.
The siblings stared at the box on the floor. No one dared to talk, they just looked at it in horror. The silence was broken by the sound of the police sirens. Martha’s father was arrested. And Martha? We’re better off not knowing what happened to her.
“It could’ve been me.”