
This was Jade’s first time at the her boyfriend’s house. She was about to have dinner with his whole family. She wasn’t sure of what they thought of her and their relationship yet. As they started to sit down her nerves spiked.

“So Jade, what do your parents do for a living? It better be something good because my precious boy could never date a poor girl.” His mother asked rudely.

“Oh um…” Jade started. She started becoming embarrassed because her mom was unemployed and her dad was a janitor. “Well, my mom is a stay at home mom and my dad works at the school.”

Her boyfriend gave his mother a knowing look. He gave her that look that says, ‘be nice.’ Then he took hold of Jade’s hand and gave it a tight squeeze. His mother looked at Jade with a very disapproving look. Jade lowered her head a little and tried to eat some of her food.

“Where do you live?” His mother asked. She obviously seemed to be making a plan.

“I live in a trailer park…” Jade responded quietly. “It’s all we can afford at the moment..”

“Is that so? You see, we could never let that happen. I could never bare to live in such a dirty nasty place.” His mom said in a snobby way. “Your parents must be such bad people!”

“Mom that is enough!” Jade’s boyfriend chimed in. “Stop judging her based off of where she lives and who her parents are. Also her parents are so kind.”

“Oh honey I’m just thinking about your wellbeing. I shouldn’t allow you to be with someone that is so poor.” His mother responded.

“That’s it!” Her boyfriend said once more. “Jade get your things I’m taking you home.”

“Okay…” Jade said surprised. “It was nice meeting you..”

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