The moment he saw what the chest contained, he wished he'd never opened it...but it was too late now.
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Don’t Unlock Me
It was a bright sunny afternoon and Tariq strolled through the garden in his light crisp shirt and linens looking dapper as usual. He whistled absentmindedly, and where was his mind you may wonder? It was lost in Parvati’s beautiful tresses. She lived right next to his beautiful mansion, just a few steps away. Just a few steps away but at a worlds distance. She had her eyes on him too, he could tell.
Alas his parents would never accept the house helps daughter as their own. Tariq’s heart sank and his hopes and dreams crushed in that instant.
Well, at least I can walk by her solemn little home, he thought to himself. There it was, her humble abode with a huge lock at the front door. I guess everyone is at work and Parvati isn’t back from school.
He decided to take a quick peak and landed in her backyard in a bed of weeds. As he fought his way out of the wilderness his foot hit a large chest. Very unusual he thought. Maybe I should just mind my business. Or. Let me take a quick little look I guess.
The moment he saw what the chest contained, he wished he’d never opened it….but it was too late now.
A hard push and a lifetime later he woke up in Parvati’s arms. In her coffin. And she whispered -
always had my eyes on you Tariq. Till death do us part. Or not.
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