Location, Location, Location



Anglers End

Freighters Paradise

Deep Portal

Damoran is the entire northern eager of Star Spire. The sprawling city sits atop the wall and the full length of the 50 mile width sealing the southern lands.

Following the Western Edge for nearly 200 miles will bring you to Anglers End before hitting the curve at the Last Spire and beginning to head north again. This path is generally traversed by horse or caravan, staying along the cliffs edge to offer limited approaches from would be enemies.

Going east, or down the Hondonar River offers access to the eastern sea and Freighters Paradise. Two days by small sailing craft will bring you to the sea edge, and then another half day or more south brings you the Freighters Paradise. The long journey by land will lead more than 150 miles on the valley floor with little more than vision to offer guidance as most people will choose the river over land travel.

Traveling between Anglers End and Freighters Paradise can be accomplished on a single road, though there are plenty of options elsewhere. 72 miles between them, and steep ascents at times making it difficult to traverse. This direct road is often taken by small bands of travelers needing to move quickly, as more secure or wide routes will trapes about the mountain ranges following the easiest path.

At the midpoint of the road, at the Spire Junction, multiple paths meet at a single sign with arrows to all kinds of places. Heading due south is the one road into Ettlemont from the north. 17 miles south and you come to the massive gates of the chasm city, with towering clay and stone walls surrounding you. The air is thick with traps and danger.

Beyond the gates is an almost shaped city sitting beneath towering walls. Just five miles north to south and 2 east to west, the city is small. However growth occurs vertically with homes and buildings being cut into the walls by tunnel or catwalks.

The road leading out south is narrow and divides, offering a path to either coast. No named places sits at either but the route was created as an escape for citizens of the city were ever over run

Cut into the south eastern was is the Trail of the Portal which takes the last mile trek up through the mountains and into the Last Spire. Nested in the rudimentary crenellations at the top is the Deep Portal: a direct connection to the abyss. From the spire room where the portal resides, one can see the entire south spire on the clearest days, and with the right tools can even see Demoran.

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