Heroine 🦸🏼‍♀️

Once upon a time,

There lived a woman, she strived to be better and to help, especially those who are broken.

She fought so hard to make a change, to make the world a better place for everyone. It wasn’t just her against the world you see, it was everyone that had a lost journey and decided to take the right route.

Some took the wrong turn and never came back, others went around the merry go round and others were in the same washing machine cycle. Round and round and round they went.

They tried to mess with the woman by getting into their head, it worked but not how they thought, for you see she could fight back and had words sharper than a razor.

She tried and tried, she told the truth all the time.

But some didn’t believe her, others used her as a crazy person and a lot truly believed she needed someone or rather her soul tribe.

For she may have eaten the bad apples, the joke was on them as the coke was too good.

Rather that is sugar.

Sugar is not poison, nor is the water or other things but those who see dark don’t realise this so they bully others into believing it.

Everything in moderation and no greed or lust nor jealousy, can work but you must forgive and let it go. Sometimes there is evil inside us but what is broken can also be fixed.

From Maleficent or was that the Estella?

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