Submitted by Museful Heart
Write a story about what would have happened if Cinderella had not lost her shoe.
Ella was locked in the attic. Again. She was starting to realize how not many people got locked in dusty rooms and forced to serve their step families. Many actually had functional relationships and had friends.
Gus and the other mice scurried towards her from the cobwebbed corners, and she giggled through her sobs. Madeline had laughed when Ella told her about the chubby mouse who was always searching for cheese. Ella could still picture her bright red hair and even brighter smile. Madeline had been the only other girl there alone without her family, who had stayed home to watch her baby brothers.
Madeline had also been the one to introduce her to Dane. Ella had been too dazzled by the soaring marble pillars and mountains of cake to notice the Crown Prince walk towards her, so Madeline had yanked her towards him and left her to meet the most charming boy ever. But he wasn’t _just_ charming. Dane had complimented her dress and didn’t laugh when she said that she had designed (even though her Fairy Godmother had actually made it). He listened as she spoke of her dream to design dresses for girls everywhere, and even nodded along as she mentioned her experimental idea for a machine to do basic stitches. He said that was a brilliant idea, and that he wish he had a mind for mechanics like that. When she asked about his passions, he had burst out laughing, saying that he had never had time to explore anything other than his family business. He never said anything beyond that, so Ella had let it go. The two had danced and walked and conversed for the rest of the ball.
For a few hours Ella had just been Ella. Not ‘Cinderella’ or ‘Servant Girl’ or ‘A Nuisance’. She had been free. Then that stupid clock had struck midnight, and she fled the ball without even saying goodbye to either of her new friends.
Ella groaned. Now look at her: locked in an attic after the night of her life.
“I’m sure this is the one,” a voice muttered from outside the window. Ella peered out and gasped. Dane was standing at the front porch with the royal guards at his side.
“You said that about the last five,” Madeline complained, popping out of the carriage on the street.
“And this time it’s true!” Dane exclaimed, “We’ll keep looking until we find a lead. There’s no way Ella would just run away without saying goodbye if something wasn’t wrong.”
Ella started banging on the window. They had actually come for her!
Dane rang the doorbell, and Stepmother stepped out, “What do you want- Oh! Prince Dane, what a pleasure. How can I serve you?”
“Yes, have you seen a girl named Ella? She’s about this tall, shimmery-golden hair and sparkling blue eyes?”
Stepmother seemed to gulp, “Can’t say I have seen a girl like that, but I do know an Ella! She’s my youngest, let me go get her.”
Ella laughed. She was actually gonna get to see her friends again! But, no footsteps came up the stairs. No key turned the lock. Stepmother walked back outside holding Anastasia’s hand.
“This is my dearest daughter, Ella. She is both fair and polite!” Stepmother declared with a smirk, glancing at the attic window.
Madeline scoffed, “There is no way that’s Ella. She’s would never wear a dress that atrocious.”
“What would you know, you… uh… you peasant!” Anastasia screeched, smoothing out her plum and chartreuse skirt.
All four of them started to argue, while the guards just stood, looking bewildered.
Ella glanced up at the tree, only a few feet away from the window. The thick branches seemed to grasp at the house, just like they had since Ella was a little girl. She had spent hours climbing that old oak, back when Dad was alive. Couldn’t be too different now, could it?
Ella huffed. She was tired of being treated like a servant, like someone unworthy of love. Madeline and Dane (who was apparently a prince?) had proved that wrong. Ella looked down and saw the two glass slippers glimmering in the late afternoon sunlight. She grasped one in each hand, and hurled them at the window before she could talk herself out of it. The window broke in a shower of glass, causing everyone to stop arguing and jump back. With a leap, Ella soared out the window and grabbed the closest branch, hoisting herself up. She scurried down the oak like a squirrel and landed right next to Dane.
“What… H-how?” Dane sputtered, blushing, “That was really cool.”
“Ella!” Madeline shrieked, throwing her arms around Ella.
Stepmother glowered, “That’s not Ella! Her name is Cinder and she is still my ward. Therefore, I declare she can not leave until she affords to pay off the broken window and any other damages!” Stepmother grinned, clearly plotting to make it impossible for Ella to ever pay her back.
“I will personally pay for any necessary repairs, and Ella is no longer going to stay here,” Dane said, “If that’s okay? I know Madeline said you could stay with her for a while,” he whispered in Ella’s ear.
She shivered at the closeness, “I would like that a lot, _Prince_ Dane.”
“Oh, uh… probably should have told you that at the start.”
“You think?” Madeline laughed, shaking her hand and grabbing Ella’s arm. The three started walking back towards the carriage.
“Well, it makes sense. _Prince Charming _fits you, Dane,” Ella giggled as Dane grew beet red.
“Wait! You can’t just leave!” Stepmother screeched, starting forward before getting stopped by the guards.
Ella turned to face her, “This house holds nothing but pain, Stepmother. Just so you know, the mop is in the closet and the stove only starts if you blow on it three times. Oh! And mouse traps are a waste of money. Gus-Gus is too smart for that.”
She turned and walked forward, hand in hand with her friends, towards her fairytale freedom.