Write a descriptive narrative about the world your novel is set in.
Step away from your main plot and consider how the world shapes your story. If your story takes place somewhere familiar (like the world today), focus on which elements of it will play into your story.
South Spire And Beyond
The world of [not named yet] is one of magic, monsters, and adventure. Strewn about the singular continent are various races and cultures with distinct traditions.
This story will be told in the Southern Spire, duely named as the southern most lands and known for the towering mountain ranges they posses. A peninsula, the Southrrn Spire has a unique composition and strange history.
The northern most edge of the peninsula is entirely lined with a massive wall close to 200 feet tall. Trails from the foot hills lead to a series of gates along the coast of the western side. However as you head east, the ground drops sharply into a valley, over which the wall looms large. A singular river gushes from the base of the wall and traverses the valley way until it reaches the edge of the mountains nearly 100 miles south and east.
The entire western edge falls off starkly for near the whole of the continent, creating a 200 foot, or more, ledge to prevent entrance , or exit. The sole exception is a small fishing village far to the south, Angler’s End. Nestled on a small beach with a trail of switch backs leading into the highest reaches of the Soire, Angler’s End is known as the greatest fishing in all the lands. But also the greatest risk. Stories of unknown beasts consuming entire fleets of war ships and murderous merfolk seeking to undo the will of even the most senior of captains.
The Western Edge is also known for the harsh winds and violent raging storms that break against the wall. Storms seem to appear out of no where and crash into the stone walls before despipating. Rumors abound of a great Druid that grows angry at the wall, as they see it as a construction of civilized folk, not the natural structure that it is.
The eastern edge of the Spire is far more tame tame, and public. Freighters Paradise is a shipping port that has slowly spread out along the coast over the past 100 years, as mines within the spire pour out more minerals, gems and resources. The bristling hub acts as a means of getting materials out of the spire to be sold around [world name] and make many captains quite rich.
Along the eastern coast, the weather is temperate. The waters smooth. The deep water offers great groom for the sailing ships but not too much that the waters are particular cold. Much of the western storms are lost before arriving to the eastern shores, allowing for fairly consistent and pleasant weather.
Scattered through the Spire are small hamlet and makeshift villages. These are often hermits or famalies finding shelter in the mountains. The mountains provide shelter from storms of all kinds. In the summer months , deluges of rain may appear, but holes have been carved out along side would be rivers. In winter months the deep rising snow is dangerous, but homes often abut maintain caves which provide security used warmth in the harshest times.
However, there is a singular township high in the mountains at the base of the Last Spire: Ettlemont. Ettlemont is a village by all accounts with only a few dozen permanent residents. Throughout the year, odd caravans will move through with would be adventurers and merchants trying to procure items from the mines or shops. Constructed inside a chasm of nearly 100 feet, Ettlemont is a unique town hidden within the mountain at the mouth of The Last Spire.
Once a year, however, the town bristles with life and is flooded with mercenaries and adventurers alike. In the month of Amondar, the end of the year, the Deep Portal opens and the bridge between the monsters of hell and earth is opened. This becomes a proving grounds for many, and they require housing and sustenance in Ettlemont.
The Warden of Ettlemont, Shyloh Verkinix, sees that the accommodations are met and the adventurers tended to. He knows their wealth will help sustain and improve the town, including better libraries for his recluse son, Farrago, and better militia resources for his warrior daughter, Ferentyl. However, he also knows that every year since he first sealed the portal and established Ettlemont, the assault has worsened. And so he knows it is only by way of these would be heroes that Ettlemont will stand in the long term.