
“You want her gone?” A woman on the other line said.

“No.” My husband said.

“Then what? Why would you call me? We’re not having an affair if that’s what you want.” The woman said.

“Hang on, you would be willing to kill her but not have an affair?” My husband asked.

“What can I say. Marriage vows are sacred.” The woman said, “Anyway, what did you want me for?”

“Well, my wife loves murder mystery. It’s her birthday coming up and I was thinking you could plan a murder mystery surprise party.” My husband asked.

“Oh. Yeah sure.” The woman said.

“Okay. Thanks. That’s great.” My husband said.

“Wait, why did you call an assassin to plan a surprise party?” The woman asked.

“Well an assassin would know how to kill and how to get away with it. Also, your mum says you used to be a party planner so.” My husband said.

“Yeah I was. Okay. I can do that. When?” The woman asked.

“This Saturday.” My husband said.

“Okay. I can do that.” The woman said. I put the phone down. I didn’t think I’d ever have a surprise party. I was so happy.

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