‘The absence is still keenly felt, but now the gaps can be refilled.’
Write a blank verse poem that closes with this line. Blank verse poetry doesn't rhyme, but normally uses strict structure to build a melody through rhythm.
Voided Games, That Only Voids Play…
Come sit by me
and squeeze the
hope from my kiss.
My toxic levels
settling on your lips.
Sacred are these
words that fit,
when they’re filled
with the emotional
bile pumping from my chest…
Play me to the beyond, and call me lovely today. Perhaps, then I will stay. Though truly you never will be able to tell where I’ll wind up, once my crazy heart goes on display. For, it’s a gamble, you see. The paler shades of printed words, between me and thee. So sit your cards down, that I may counter them with mine. I no longer have an ace up my sleeve; no, not this time…
And even though, love seems so distant and surreal. “The absence is keenly felt, but now the gaps can be refilled.”
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