Submitted by Belle

You’re walking down the street. A person a few feet ahead of you drops their wallet. You pick up the wallet and run after them as they turn into a dark alley, but they're gone. When you open the wallet you knew you were meant to find it.

Write a story starting after finding this wallet

It was worth it

I just took a deep breath. I couldn’t believe my eyes. ‘ No.... this can’t be happening to me ‘, I said to myself. I stood there for some few minutes, waiting to see if they would realize what was going and turn back. ‘ Ah well, maybe the goddess of luck has visited my abode today’ ,I thought to myself. I walked back to my hostel with a cheerful face, not taking notice of the surprising faces that greeted me along the way. I had wild plans running through my head, which made me not look on as I came face to face with an old figure. I paused and stared at this woman, with beads of sweat dripping down her worn out face. From the bodily expression, one could sense that she had walked quite some miles to get to this destination. The dust which covered her feet, her throat longing for a cold sip of water, her shaking legs which could barely support her exhausted figure and the load which took a toll on her body said the whole. I looked with pity as I helped her offload the burden that nearly sent her to the dark world. What at all made this woman walked through this midday sun with such load resting on her tiring head. I went to the nearest shop and got her a cold drink of water. The sigh of relief from her made me felt like I was the savior of the day. I began a conversation with her, wanting to know the story of this strange woman. She started; ‘ son, May the gods of our land always show their undying love to you. You have really helped me a lot and I’m very grateful for that. I have a daughter who refuses to pay heed to whatever I say. She is been obsessed with things that would always make people feel good about her. I have always tried to get her into the right path but to no avail. Now, it’s been three days since I last saw her at home. But she is the only one I got. I had to pack my things and set off to look for her. I don’t know where I might find her but I hope fate will surely get us together again’ . This she ended with tears rolling down the wrinkled cheeks. I looked so blue I couldn’t hardly open my mouth to say a word. After calming my head for some minutes, I asked her, ‘ do you have the means to continue your journey? She took her head slowly, depicting one who is in the state of despair. I dipped my hand into my pocket and took out the wallet with I had just found. Out of compassion, I gave her every penny in the wallet to settle her needs. Alas, I felt like I was the hero I had always seen myself to be. It was much worth it.

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