Not Just Another Walk In The Park

“Everything happens for a reason”

Don’t you love that saying?

There was a time where I didn’t see the problem in this

This statement

This opinion

But when something tragic happens

Your mindset changes

_You_ change

Once I lost someone who meant the world to me

I started to believe that this is one of the worst things you could say to someone


I do believe that there’s a place and time for this saying

But if you’re going through pain

Through grief in any way

This is the last thing you want to hear

No matter what you say

it doesn’t matter what the reason is

It doesn’t matter if there even is a reason

It simply

Doesn’t matter

If there is a reason for

A heartbreak

Losing someone

Losing yourself


Even If there is a reason

That doesn’t make it less painful

Because when you say that to me

It instantly invalidates everything

Everything you’re feeling in this very moment

They make it seem easy to just

Let go

Move on

Like nothing even happened

Simply because

Everything happens for a reason

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