Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
Silent Struggle
There was so much noise. Chairs being scrapped across the floor, books being thrown, screams getting louder and louder. I close my eyes and cover my ears to protect myself from the onslaught, it’s all too much. Maybe if I hum, I can drown it all out.
The hum starts off slowly in my head, as I rock gently trying to take myself to happy thoughts. Something comes hurtling past my head. My humming increases. I can hear voices all around me, like a tidal wave surrounding me threatening to pull me under. I think they are calling my name, but I’m in a bubble and can’t quite make it out. I feel something behind me. Oh God, please don’t touch me. My humming builds up with each rocking motion of my body. My hands are sticky with sweat and I can hear the heavy beating of my heart ringing in my head.
A hand touches my shoulder and with a sudden jerk, I lunge myself at my opponent screaming. I have to protect myself. My skinny arms thrash out in all directions, unsure of where my attacker might stike next.
“Peter, stop! Peter!” I can hear a gentle voice calling my name. I know that voice.
“Peter, you’re okay. Open your eyes. Peter, can you hear me?” How can she say I’m okay? Could she not see the destruction around me? But it’s at this moment that I realise the chaos outside my head has stopped.
Steadily, I lift one eyelid and peek at the voice in front of me. I see a spray of short brown hair littered with grey flashes. A set of sleek metal frames that have a subtle rose gold glow sit upon a small, rounded nose. This doesn’t seem right.
“Peter, it’s Miss Heather. You’re safe. The classroom is empty now; we got everyone to leave. Are you okay? Can you hear me Peter?”
I open my mouth, but I’m unable to utter any words. With a deep, long inhale of breath, I feel my shoulders lower; my legs untense; my chest relax. It’s only now that it hits me. I’m in my English class. But there’s no one here now. A hot, prickling sensation spreads across my cheeks and my stomach twists in knots. A flood of embarrassment washes over me. I have an overwhelming urge to disappear.
It must have happened again. Why do I keep having these episodes and freaking out like this? Everyone must think I’m such a freak! They’ll all be laughing at me right now. Peter, the weirdo who can’t handle being in a lesson! I can’t take it.
I feel a surge of adrenaline pump through me as I shoot up from my chair. Before I can even register, my legs have taken off and I’m spinting out the door and down the corridor. I don’t know what to do, so I just keep running.