Inspired by a.loki

Write a dialogue between friends occurring far in the future.

As well as vocabulary that might be invented in the future, think also about the communication styles and structures that might arise.

Death Follows

“Tell me your regrets.”

“I like to think that I don’t have any.”

“You’ve lived life to the fullest?”

“More like lived it too fast.”

“How would you have slowed it down?”

“It kinda did a bit ago.”

“When the gun was at your forehead?”


“No need to be hesitant, I was there.”

“You knew?”

“It was written.”

“Ah. Are you death?”

“You seem disappointed.”

“Just hoping for an angel. Maybe my mom. Thought you were my friend.”

“I am. Death is something that follows you your entire life, you know.”

“Did you somehow convince me to kill myself?”

“I must follow what is written. Otherwise the works will turn sideways.”

“Are you really my friend?”

“I did care about you, cried at your funeral.”

“Thanks. Big turnout?”

“Sure. Your boss even showed.”

“Hm. That’s cool. So now what happens?”

“We leave.”

“To where?”

“Whatever comes next.”

“Do you know?”

“No, actually. I’ve never been. I have a job to do.”

“Gonna convince someone else to buy a gun?”

“My next job is to be a drunk driver.”


“Yes. It hurts very much.”

“Where do you think I’m going?”

“Onto a train. I’m not sure what the destination is.”

“Oh. You were a really good friend, you know.”

“I try to be.”

“No, really. You were amazing. I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll try to miss you too.”

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