I’m locked away in a cage like a bird.

This bird doesn’t have an owner.

It can’t fly freely in the sky.

It cannot get any worms.

**Locked away hopelessly.**

**It’s wings are clipped.**

**So, it let’s out a faithful song.**

Over the hill and far away was a farm.

The bird hoped its song would reach there, but nothing happened.

**Locked away hopelessly.**

**It’s wings are clipped.**


There it lays in its cage.

**It’s beautiful feathers thinning and falling off its body.**

**Its bones can be seen through its skin.**

**The bird is getting weaker by the minute.**

**More hopeless by the minute.**


But, nevertheless the bird let’s out a faithful song.

Over the hill and far away was a farm.

But, something was diffrent this time the bird was heard.

Soon the bird found tranquility even through the mist of the coffin of his dead dreams.

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