Inspired by Bri loves apples
The voices in your head are keeping a secret from you...
Write a story or scene about a character who suspects the voices they hear are keeping a secret from them.
The Voices Of Self Destruction
“Take it.” Say the whispers in my mind
“No.” I say to myself.
“I don’t want to hurt myself.”
“It won’t hurt. Just take it and cut.”
“Really? It won’t hurt? Are you sure?” I ask talking to the air.
“We’re sure. trust us. it will heal eventually..”
“I’m not sure.”
“Do it.” The voices hissed.
I then took the knife and sliced a shallow cut on my arm in the middle. The pain came at me like a tsunami descending on a town. And I liked it.
“You told me it wouldn’t hurt!” I said whimpering. Hand on wound with a paper towel, trying to not bleed out.
“Why did you believe us?” They said almost laughing at me.
“I don’t know anymore.” I said still patching up my arm. “I should really not listen to you.”
“But will you?”
“Yes, probably.”
(Not my best work at all, but I just wrote what came to mind; I guess. Don’t listen to those voices. They are made of the devil himself.)