Work Life Balance

(I ultimately took out the “every day seems the same” prompt because it wasn’t adding to the poem itself, though this poem was very much inspired by the prompt nevertheless. I’m not sure if the spacing is working - I’m trying to have work on one side and home on the other. Needs to be tinkered with more, and the diction could be improved…putting it out there so I can revisit it later).


I rage against the coming of the light beeping alarm

I squandar my most treasured hour for …just a few more minutes of… ZZZ

Earthy, nutty aroma of hot coffee the few moments of calm before the chaos begins

A beeping alarm disrupts the calm “I don’t want to go to Daycare!”

“Is it a weekend?”

I wish

I should get them a healthy breakfast Okay - fine Frosted Flakes again “Maybe tomorrow momma”

Daycare drop off “Uppy hugs” goodbye

		Traffic				to			**Work**

			Earthy, nutty aroma of hot coffee

			the few moments of calm 

			before the chaos/classes begin(s)

										A ringing bell

										disrupts the calm

										“I don’t

										want to

										write that


										(I don’t want

										to mark them

										but that’s left


										I should stop giving them

										lessons on comma splices,											they never listen.

										Maybe next time






										(Madly try to 

										photocopy hastily 

										prepared lessons 

										while eating a sandwich)






										Try to tackle pile of marking

										Give up, plan for lessons tomorrow

										Traffic to


Daycare pickup “Momma!!”

Make supper (Madly try to eat my supper while getting second helpings, cutting kid’s food, explaining why we have to eat vegetables - another lesson unheeded)

Clean up supper Help find a particular toy Pick up toys Get out crayons Pick up crayons Tea Party with a bear

Put on PJs Brush Teeth Bed for the kids Put the kids back in bed Put the kids back in bed Put the kids back in bed

Try to tackle pile of marking Give up, pack lunches for tomorrow


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