Power: the capacity to direct or influence the behaviour of others, or the course of events.
Introduce a character who holds a position of power, and write about how they use this power. Try to think outside the box of political/business/wealth -based power.
Court of Lord Cain
“How unfortunate, I thought my son would be my greatest asset. Instead Michael has turn into my greatest conspirator, plotting and scheming like the rest of those scum. Enough, he is nothing more then another irritation.” Lord Cain shuffled in his seat from the thought. He has taken to presiding over citizens complaints in a bid to gain more popularity to sway the electing council of lords to name him the rightful heir. After his father’s death Cain and six of his brothers, and now his son all have been put in contention for the role of heir.
“Thankfully I am not like the rest of those swine. It was rigged in my favour from the start, I am fathers first born oldest by a decade, control more land then them all added together, casting a shadow that spreads far across the Empire, and a more accomplished general then all of my siblings bar McKenna. Thankfully I took care of him in my early days, clipped his wings before he had a chance to soar above me.” Grinning to himself.
“Bring in the next poor soul, I don’t have the patience for this much longer.” He said scowling at the page standing obediently next to Lords Cain mighty thrown, its pitch black smooth stone seemed to become like liquid slowly streaming upward towards the high ceilings of his great hall then falling back into the black mass. It was a gift and tribute from the mystic stone crafters on the outskirts of his territory. They are stone folk who are world renowned for their ability to imbue magics into stone to change its qualities creating bizarre living sculptures that reflect the person it represents, and are even known to have the ability to craft stone automatons.
The page jumps from the abrupt demanding tone of his lord.
He lets out ”right away my lord!” with a yelp.
Then bows and runs off to retrieve the needy man or woman coming to plead for assistance or action from lord Cain more often then not to no avail.
Finally, the great hall doors open and in come the page returning with a younger looking man dressed like a lowlands lord. An exotic fur coat drags behind him, his neck and hands adorned in Flamboyant gold jewellery, and the beginnings of a thick beard finely trimmed.
As the young lord reached the foot of the staircase leading to Cain he quickly got to one knee bowing his head.
“My Lord, this is Lord Drakin’s son, Lord Marden. He has come from the war front to report.” The page said head bowed as well.
“And,” Marden butted in finally looking up with an awkward smile “a request if my Lord, if that is acceptable?”
Cain leaned back into his inky black throne, looking more then please with the prospects of a deal.
“I will listen to your request then, I’ve had enough soldiers and minor lords coming to give yet another report of the war front, when my eyes and ears are everywhere and the battlefield is always in my sights.”
Marden looked shocked at the response thinking he had made a clever move in coming to personally report his victories.
“Well my Lord, I have consistently proven my capabilities in battle and I have been winning clash after clash against those Vargra scum.” He paused looking towards Cain for a reaction.
“So?” Cain muttered.
“So, I would like to request that House Tarven could reclaim territory in our name alone the Tiber river. We have proven time after time that we are not only unquestionably loyal to you Lord Cain, but the strongest of the lowland clans that are loyal to you my Lord.” He let out, attempting to sound more confident.
“Hmmm... an interesting proposition, and who’s landing would that be exactly?” Cain finally said examining his fingernails.
“Do you worry we can’t ho...” Marden began to let out in a questioning tone, before suddenly being interrupted by a Cain raising a finger to his mouth. Then looking over his shoulder wait for his advisor to step forward and reply.
“ As far as I’m aware my Lord, no one of substantial concern. In fact Lord Killian formerly served under Micheal in the last conflict with the Merchants Coast.” The advisor whispered into the ear Cain turned towards him.
“Ahhh well then you are in luck my young friend. I happen to have fallen out with that traitorous son of mine, and I do lack an enforcer for my lands down there.”
“And who better then a barbarian to tame barbarians.” He let out with a chuckle followed by the laughter of the court.
“Here is the deal, I will grant your wish, but in exchange you will enforce my new land taxes. I have been expecting resistance to higher taxes, but with you to carry my will it saves me having to move troops to squash rebellion.” Looking down his nose now at the young lord.
“It’s a shame I’ve eliminated any worthy opponent to battle wit, all that is left are these cowards” Cain thought in disgust.
“Th... thank you my Lord I’m sure my father will be glad to hear this news I will return with his response at once.” Marden said enthusiastically.
Marden began to rise from his knelt position, and hurriedly went to turn and walk out.
“No.” Cain raised his voice sounding irritated.
“That won’t do at all. I have no patience to wait for your response when I could give it to any other lowly minor Lord looking to prove their loyalty. I want an answer now from you.” He said his face growing more and more impatient.
“B..but my Lord that would go against our traditions. My father sits as the head of the clan he gets the day in all matters.” Marden let out weakly careful not to make eye contact.
“Who care about your bloody lowland traditions. Prove your loyalty carry out my will. Now go before I revoke my gracious offer, insolent boy.”Cain yelled.
Marden went to respond at first, but finally he bows with clenched jaw and white knuckles.
When the great hall doors shut at Mardens leave .
“ I am tired of this for the day, I dismiss the rest of this court and will no longer hear any more requests. All may leave now except the members of my council. We have business to attend to.” Cain announces.