Title your poem after someone you have felt profoundly influenced by in your life.
It doesn’t have to be someone you know personally, but the poem should reflect why this person is important to you, even if it is not directly about them.
Mother’s Mother
A beautiful thing about a woman’s body
Is that her children are born with her
A beautiful thing about a mother’s mother
Is that she gives birth to her grandchildren too
Is that why you loved me doubly?
Extra gentleness, extra generosity
Extra patience in frustration
Extra butter on the plate
Extra cream on the crumble
You have known me for so long
You waited for me and asked for me
And I arrived as your own mother faded
Your hopes were always for my happiness
For my joy, for my serenity
For my depth of living, for my vibrancy
For my experience, for my creation
For sunshine, rainbows and flowers
For puddle splashing forever
When I feel I am not doing enough, earning enough, successful enough, being enough,
I remember you stroking my forehead at bedtime
Renting the same VHS 10 times
Cooking golden potatoes on Sundays
Holding my hand
Me holding yours
The way you tell me you love me
No ‘but’, no ‘because’
Just love.
Id love feedback on structure in particular, and I guess also how it made you feel.
As you may have worked out, this poem is about my grandmother who passed away a few years ago. It has little structure, it’s kind of all over the place. I’ll need to go back to update to make it work but I think that’s what grief does to you.
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