Submitted by Indigo

Write a scene that takes place in the snow.

The scene could be centered around the snow or just used as the setting.

Snow In Sky

_Life was good in the age of coldness but it always feels good only in the dark. There were two kids in Aspen Highlands, Colorado. It was the time of winter and snow started falling over from the sky in the morning. The kids wondered why the snow is falling from the sky ? A little while later, they forget about the question and were too excited to play a snowball fight. It was the time of Christmas, But the small kids never knew that, Hahaha. They’re Bad we can’t do anything, they were small kids didn’t know what to do when it’s winter. In the time of evening it slowly became dark and now the snow can be clearly seen. There were lights all around them. It was too beautiful for a kid to see, Hahaha. They didn’t Know and said, “ Is this a special day ? " they were too eager to ask thier parents about this special day but unfortunately they were busy setting the Christmas Tree in thier house. All the people around them were busy doing the same thing as thier parents. However, they left about the topic and started building a Snowman ! They never got the answer for the question, “ Why the snow is falling from the sky ? ”. The night was one of the darkest nights and also one fo the days in the brightest lights. The kids couldn’t stop thinking about the snow which was falling from the sky. Snowfall was one of the most unnatural and peaceful phenomena. The kids roam all around there area, But just can’t stop thinking about the snowfall. It was a magic which could make anyone become relaxed for a while. The kids never thought of this idea which could be the best moment of thier lives, I wish they were a little elder so that they could remember this memory for the rest of thier lives. I never experienced a snowfall but i think this is how it feels in the time of a snowfall. This is not the story of two kids enjoying the snowfall, it is the story of my feelings which never end. Don’t get dissapointed cause i just got my feelings inside the story._

_ Listen to the song Ethereal and Luminary while reading the story, you will have a feel._


_I am done _


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