Write a multi-POV story from the perspective of three different people across the globe looking at the same thing.
What could they all be looking at and how might they percieve it differently?
paramedics gathering in a halo around me
flash of red and blue
the Mercedes sedan is stained with my blood
my back against the asphalt
the sky is a new shade of blue above me
a figure looms over the clouds
it peeks at me behind the sun
death floats down towards me
gathers my bloodied body into its arms
the bullet slices through my skull
outside my body, I watch as I hit the ground
the money I’d stolen from the banks’s safe flutters around in wisps of soft green
i watch as my attacker bolts away
a pool of crimson spilling around me
i glance up
death walks towards me
reaching for my arm
my deathbed is soft
my grandchildren stroke my arms
weeping with tearful voices
but I don’t mourn
my body is held aloft by a cloud
I embrace death with open arms
it invites me inward
my wife peeks over its shoulder
calling out to me
and I smile