Your main character wakes up in an unknown place, tied up and gagged. Unfortunately, her kidnapper doesn't know she's highly trained, in control, and unafraid.

Introduce a powerful female lead who handles her misfortune like a badass.


‚What the fuck?!?‘, thinks Ally to herself. It’s a Friday night and she just went out for a drink after a stressful week and that‘s when they find her. ‚I guess I ran all out of luck.‘ But something makes her hesitate. She automatically checked the ties around her hands and now she has to suppress a good chuckle. Whoever took her has no idea what he is doing.

And right on cue the rusty metal door in front of her opens and reveals - ‚Stupid hillbilly!‘. A skinny, poor excuse of a man, wearing some worn out jeans and a lumberjack shirt enters the room. His old shoes have some holes in them and he doesn‘t look very groomed. ‚Bah, and he touched me.‘

„So you are awake, Sweetie!“, he grins and shows his bad teeth. Ally has an urge to throw up. But due to the gag in her mouth, which feels nastier every second, she opts to go „Hmm, hmm!“ to signal him to remove this stupid thing. He gets closer and she immediately notices the smell of old sweat. ‚Gross, gross, gross!‘

He removes the gag from her mouth and then strokes her hair and face. „Don‘t touch me!“, she boldly states while she glares at him. „Uuuh, she’s a feisty little one, isn‘t she?“ he laughs at her face. „What do you want?“. She is pretty sure about what he wants, but keeps stalling nevertheless. „So nice, of you to ask. Turns out there are still women who know their place. And that’s exactly what you‘re gonna do. Know your place. Be my little pet. Make sure my needs are met. Be a good girl. Ya‘ know?!“ With those words he rubs over his, surely tiny, dick in his pants.

Only being busy removing the poorly bound rope on her hands, prevents Ally from puking right onto this perverted creep. She gets rid of it, right before he lifts his hand to touch her again. Then she moves so quickly, that the thud of the rope falling onto the floor behind her chair doesn‘t sound before he already kisses the floor with his face first, with her kneeling on him and twisting his arms back.

All he can do is scream like the whimp he is. This won‘t be the night either of them had thought of.

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