You are going to do a bungee jump for the first time. Describe the experience.

Consider your character's emotions, the sensations they will be experiencing, and their motivation behind attempting the jump.


Instructor Jeremy secured the final piece of equipment with a clank against the green patina covered bridge. I stepped up to the launch point and looked out at the vast wilderness ahead of me. The river below us forged a path through a valley enclosed by snow-capped mountains.

Last year, cancer was winning. This year, I was in remission. It sounds cliche, but I beat death and I wouldn’t waste it. Was I terrified of bungee jumping off this scenic bridge? Yes. Instead of considering reasons to step back from the ledge, I leapt.

Wind whipped through my hair and my stomach found itself in my throat. I screamed from a mix of exhilaration and terror. Just when I thought my cord wouldn’t catch my fall, I bounced flawlessly.

I did it!

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