Choose any book, and rewrite the blurb so that it appears to be a different genre.

Word choice and emphasis on different aspects of a story can transform perceptions of a book entirely. Bonus points if your readers can guess which book it is!

Beastly and I

Tale as old as time? More like snooze fest as old as time. This is not your normal fairytale with a happy ending. This is more like a bloody mess of your nightmares. Are you ready to embark on this fearful journey with me? i don’t believe you are but regardless; away we go

It was s cold, dark, stormy night when Bella stumbled upon the most fearful beast in all of the village…Gaston. Beast may be a streach for this fella cause he surely isnt hairy, big, bulky, or even terrifing. None of the normal beast like characteristics. He was just a tall slander middle age man who thinks he was hot shit.

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