
A man with shaggy brunette hair and big blue eyes paddled desperately along the sickly green coloured river. It was an anomaly how he had such light eyes when he looked half dead. It wasn’t clear what he was running away from, perhaps himself. A pent up vulnerability bubbled up in his eyes, his face not revealing his emotions.

The river soon fell into a long winding waterfall, as the current pushed him towards it, his face didn’t crack, he didn’t really fit his environment, the Rolex on his wrist and the pill bottle rattling in his pocket, it felt as if you were watching a black and white movie on a flat screen tv.

Watching him, it would be hard to place what’s going on in his mind, you’d scream to him, maybe even try and stop him, you don’t truly know other peoples problems till you make them your own.

Soon his boat crashed down the strong current of the waterfall, he was gone from eyeshot. Perhaps that was the only way to get out of the trance he’d been living in. Missing when he never thought about what it meant to be someone, or no one at all.

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