Mistakes Like This

My name is Jeann Vulkros and it’s pronounced G-ann, that’s what my friends call me to empower me and joke around about how I am a total gangster. Or my one bright and adventurous friend Zeke (that’s deaf). But don’t think I conned him like a snake or anything when I say I’m a witch. But my siblings call me a sorceress in stubbornness that I was born more powerful than them. It makes me lay awake and laugh at night. I’m sorry, don’t get offended witches or sorceresses reading this, it’s just… every woman that we’ve met in our life that called herself one surprisingly and weirdly turned out to have a nasty attitude. I know, to you being a gangster might mean that I have a ratchet, possessive, risky, and fighter personality a lot. But, to me it’s just because I like to stand up for what I believe in and kind of ride or die for my beloved ones. I barely care if anyone finds me gangster or not. I have a lot to be grateful for and my powers and abilities should not be wasted… in my opinion like ever! I might get too hasty but I JUST LIKE LETTING people know who they shouldn’t F*** with up in this joint!

I liked spending time with Zeke a lot and I am getting awesome at sign language——so well at it I’m actually proud of myself! But he’s been my first friend in a long time and when I saw the sparkling purple smoke I got so frightened cause it only met one thing! He had went out to the forest after he’d taken the celestial bottle I specifically told him in his current language to stay away from and not to open! It made me shake my head in shock, annoyance and disappointment as I dashed out there with my umbrella just knowing and feeling it in my gut that it would rain.

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