Image by Ihsan Idatyawarman

Create a story about some strange items found washed up in the tide.

The Fisherman’s Catch

Hey boys I found somthing in the net we can be Rich woohoo uh victor that’s trash said the boy with his right hand gone but left there yeah said the boy with his left hand gone and his right hand there ok but let’s at least get through them there might be some treasure and it’s going to get to me head if we don’t look fine right hand gone but left hand there said ok whatever left hand gone but right hand there said (hey there names are confusing but who will fix them not me hahahaha deal with it) hey boys all I see is just trash yeah that’s what we told you both of them said wait lookie her what I got ( don’t blame there accent you have to deal with it because I’m the narrator and not you ahahahhahah) see right here wait a minute boss look behind you it’s it’s it’s a really big fish with arms and hair ( I know these guys must be stupid for not knowing they caught a mermaid but so what that’s how some people who don’t believe in stuff are dumb I wish I could slap them in the face but that would interfere with the story so nah) oh yes it’s so big let’s sell it for money yes and so they walked to the nearest selling place and said we would like to sell ya this big fish oh cute little fishie coo coo coo who’s the cutest fish you are said right hand gone left hand there excuse you I’m not a fish I’m a mermaid wait a minute ooooooohhhhhh🤭😂

                                                    The end

(Or is it i don’t know you tell me do you think it’s over or should i make a part 2 comment what i should do please)

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