Please, leave alone my broken soul
Write a vilanelle that includes this in it. A vilanelle is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain.
My Broken Soul
Please, leave alone my broken soul
You can’t mend my wounds
You can’t fix my woe.
My hearts tainted black
And I’m broken to the bone
Please leave alone, my broken soul.
Most days I’m cruel , I can’t speak kind words
I’ll always be a foe
You can’t fix my woe.
My cracks root deep, into my core
My light has leaked
Please, leave alone my broken soul.
Some days I wish, I were like you
But I’m alone
You can’t fix my woe.
Go, and save yourself from my bitter heart
I’m too far gone, you must depart.
Please, leave alone my broken soul
You can’t fix my woe.