Best Friend

After breakfast, we go for a quick walk. Once back inside, you follow close behind as I head up to my home office. You happily settle onto your bed, ready for another hard day supervising me as I work from home. Your tail gentle wagging.

But as I start to pack up my computer and climb under my desk to unplug my laptop charger, your tail stops its measured beat and tucks up under you.

When I go to my closet and change out my sneakers for heels, you know for sure. The contentment that had been in your big brown eyes has transformed to disappointment. Your ears, usually alert, hang low and tight against your head. You lift one brow, then the other, and let out a snuffle and sigh. You resign yourself to a long, lonely day.

So do I. I grab my keys and purse, calling out, “Bye Sugar,” as I close and lock the door. I feel like Peter Pan as I shuffle to the car. I’ve lost my shadow for the day.
