Write a speech that you would deliver to your first love, if given the chance.

From your own perspective or that or a character, write about how the relationship felt, how it changed you, and what you might say to them now if you met again.

⭐️….that was fun, but never again

Thank you for making me feel so much more confident in my femininity, sexuality, and my overall attractiveness. At the same time, thank you for implanting insecurity, a sense of shame and a heartbreak that I probably will never heal from. It feels weird to thank you for these contradictory elements you brought out of me, but it’s the truth. It’s my truth. That is how I feel to this day. You made me feel like a failure in love but you also made me realize that because of you, I’ll never give up hope that I can find someone who loves me the way I love them.

Someone who actually takes the time to understand me and wants to be a part of my life. My experience with you just serves as a reminder that I can easily get swept up by a man and go into the whole situation undervaluing myself. Now I understand my worth, so I will never allow another man to make me feel so high and so low at the same damn time ever again.

Now you should feel especially flattered. There have been other dudes that I have liked immensely, but at the first, second and third signs of them being someone like you I cut them out of my life immediately. So thank you yet again, this time for my discernment. Thank you for dating all those girls that look nothing like me, but never taking me out. Thanks for being the best booty call I’ve ever had. Thanks for the memories. And most importantly, thank you for staying away after I told you to never reach out to me again.

It’s been hard for me, but I know this shit doesn’t matter to you. Normally, two people are hurting when something ends, but in this case it’s only one person - me. But I’m still thankful for the hurt. I’m still thankful for you.

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