Submitted by Cheyenne King
Describe a moment in life which seems to last forever.
You could write this as a poem or story, or as a descriptive paragraph.
at last
now a lingering toothache afar but still in sight
the first thought after my mid-day nap and the furthest notion when i lye my head down on my silk pillowcase
what a time it was to have a bond so bare and unparalleled
never to return but may i find a promise stronger then the now dainty pledge i grasp
a roar away from comfort
in your hand i granted you my dire and harrowing nights, with trust you vowed to carry
i tend to omit the most tedious of things
like the reason the bridge caved into the untold rapids
i remain fastened to loathe that name, troubled by grief but fueled by might as i haul this backpack up this everest-like summit, unnerving as i lift my leg up
yes i will prevail
to flaunt of the swim you have taken, how your river is quiet like the solitude you sing
how not a scratch has surfaced on your skin, how you are brave like the jungles king
oh to be you without a struggle, never would i
wish for such placid ease
for the tide on my tongue was once heavy as the clouds unleashed this tussle
for i am leaping with triumph over this cement like stone
to know now i am healing, those coffee- colored
bruises fading into my complexion
at last the quiet is resting between my fingertips
at last the garden is blooming
never to conceal such a feeling, may i only ever grow