Blue and red lights flash in the distance, but it’s not the police.

How can you use the literary technique of subverting expectations to write a compelling story?


**Have you ever had a moment where you felt like you were in a movie or a musical? When something so absurd happens that you find yourself wondering, Why me? Well, I have, and let me tell you—it’s not a fun experience at all.

My movie ended yesterday, and uhm… yeah, I could live without a sequel or whatever it’s called.**


“As I got out of the cab, determination instantly filled me. I was finally going to walk the streets of Kejetia alone. It was kind of strange, considering I was born and raised in Kumasi, and with Kejetia being one of the biggest markets, I had been there plenty of times—just never by myself.

The familiar smell of raw fish and meat, mixed with all kinds of food and sweets, eased my nerves a little. I quickly started walking, making sure my bag was securely within my line of sight and that my grip on it was firm.

After minutes of pushing and maneuvering through the crowd and stalls, I finally reached my destination—a cute shop that sold glass figurines and some of the most beautiful jewelry I had ever seen, ones I could actually afford. After chatting with one of the workers, I collected my order, and get this—they added roses as a gift! I couldn’t wait to see his reaction when I gave him his present.

I tried calling to find out about his plans for today, but all I got back was a text saying he was busy and might not make it tonight. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, especially since we were both on break, but I brushed it aside, continued shopping a bit, and then finally went home to binge-watch anime and call it a day.

A loud growl from my stomach reminded me that I hadn’t eaten all day. Feeling too lazy to cook for just myself, I grabbed my purse, threw on a beanie to cover my messy hair, slipped on my shoes, and left my apartment to go food hunting.”


“The pounding of my heart and the sting in my palms from my nails digging into them were the only things anchoring me to reality amidst the chaos unfolding around me.

Just a few minutes ago, this was supposed to be a simple, lovely evening. But I guess we don’t always get what we want. And to make matters worse, I kept seeing the shadows of moving bodies reflected on the walls, illuminated by the red and blue flashing lights.

To think that today was supposed to be the day I moved in with him.

I should have just stayed home and cooked instead of coming all this way, only to be jolted awake by the splash of ice-cold water—figuratively speaking.

Somehow, I found myself getting closer to the flashing lights, even though I swore I hadn’t moved an inch.

And then, it all became unbearable—the pain of seeing your person making out with a taller, prettier version of you in a sea of bodies.

The realization hit like a gut punch.

I had spent all this time getting him the perfect gift, only to find him standing there, shamelessly kissing somebody else—on the eve of our engagement.

And to make things even worse, he had the audacity to do it in our favorite place. The place where he had proposed. The same spot under the red and blue lights he always said looked ‘hippie’—and not in a good way.

As I turned and dashed out of there, only one thought played over and over in my mind:

All good things really must come to an end.”

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