Antique City

Antique City is probably my most favourite place in the world! It’s a small shop hidden between two big buildings on an already unknown street. It sticks out with its brown and peeling green exterior next to the eggshell buildings, yet people walk right past it without giving it a glance. I’ve never seen more than one or two people in there at a time.

When people walk in, they are always hit with the musky smell of worn out books and clothing. I wouldn’t exactly call it a hit, but a nice warm hug instead. The owners are very friendly and treat everyone that walks in like family. They’re an older couple. Lately I’ve noticed them training a woman around my age, maybe their granddaughter?

The things I’d give to work there… but I’ve been way too busy with my studies. My dream is to own my very own antique shop one day. One that also has old paintings and books from the early nineteenth century. A shop that gives you a warm hug when you step inside. What a long path I have ahead me.

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